Honours (Higher) Diploma on
Business Administration
Study and training to become a successful, knowledgeable business person, manager, administrator, executive or entrepreneur.
This excellent Programme covers the many vital which need to be understood, and which managers and business people, owners and the personnel of organisations need in order to ensure they conduct their work and duties effectively, and in order to ensure the business is profitable and successful. Covering a very wide range of business topics, this Honours Diploma Programme provides the practical knowledge, understanding and ability which is needed for career development and managerial success. The possession of an Honours Group Diploma demonstrates knowledge and ability and indicates that the holder has the competence, understanding and potential to become a successful middle or senior manager, administrator or executive.
ALSO: SPECIAL OFFER - valid until 30 June 2025:
The Special Offer is a free extra course on “Strategy, Quality & Contemporary Business Concerns”. (This Special Offer is only valid for new enrolments; the one requirement is that you must provide your personal email address to the College when you enrol.)
- Summary of major topics
- What is included
- Related courses
- Study & Career development
The Programme comprises of four mandatory ‘courses’, as follows:-
- Business Management & Administration
- Commercial Practice & Law
- Management & Administration
- Advanced Management & Administration Theory & Practice
(This Honours Diploma Programme in Business Administration also gains complete Study Exemption from the First Study Year of the 2-year ABA and the First Study Year of the 3-year EBA Programmes.)
Summarised details of each course comprising the Honours Diploma:
- Capital and the financing of businesses, sources of capital, share issues.
- Working capital, cash and funds flow; revenue, income, expenditure, overheads.
- Business units: sole-proprietors, partnership firms, limited liability companies.
- Board of Directors, formation, responsibilities and duties.
- Business organisation; structure, reporting, spans of control.
- Business environment, trading enterprises; factors in business location.
- Planning and forecasting in business, the business plan; starting or taking over a business.
- Budgeting and budgetary control, the master budget and sub-budgets.
- Management of personnel: recruiting, selecting, inducting, training, controlling, remunerating.
- Motivation, human resources; health and safety in the workplace, communication, job analysis.
- Principles of selling, sales and marketing management, market research, sales promotion.
- Prices and pricing policy.
- Office management, office organisation, set-up, equipment, data and information.
- Production management, production methods, materials handling.
- Credit, credit control, credit limits and bad debts; discounts: trade, quantity, others.
- Stock and inventory control, stocktaking. Purchasing and resourcing, suppliers.
- Financial accounting, books of account, interpretation, accounting ratios.
- Modern management -its meaning and purpose; the functions of management and administration.
- Managers and subordinates - relationship and roles; maintaining good relations.
- The importance of communicating, team building, supervising workgroups.
- An organisation’s culture, cultural development and effects, the impact and influence of managers.
- Quality control - concept and importance; setting and maintaining and standards; types of standard.
- Responsibilities and obligations of management to staff, to customers, and to the wider community.
- The management of change, changes in activities due to seniority and increases in authority.
- Structural organisation of businesses, designing and maintaining organisation charts.
- Organisational growth, the management of and need for delegation; workgroups, spans of control.
- Effective communication: oral, unspoken, written; vertical and horizontal communication.
- Two-way communication, removing communications barriers, external sources of communications.
- The technical and human aspects of management and administration - the range of skills needed.
- Management and employee development.
- Strategy and planning: short-term and long-term, forecasting, setting standards.
- Budgets, budgeting and budgetary control; the business environment.
- Organisation and management (O & M studies) - aims and assessment.
- Leadership in organisations, leadership styles and theories; improving leadership ability.
- Manpower planning, work specialisation; the steps, activities and managerial aspects of recruiting, selecting, inducting, training, remunerating and controlling personnel; employee counselling.
- Management styles, teams and team management, individual and organisational goals.
- Motivational theory, theorists, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; relevance to management.
- Industrial relations: trade unions, staff associations, joint consultation, collective bargaining, personnel policy, remuneration policy.
- Health & safety, training and responsibilities, employee counselling.
- Modern commerce and trade; the modern commercial environment.
- The development and evolution of of commerce and trade.
- Modern business, the role of money and banking, transport, hospitality, insurance, law and communication.
- The types of economies in which organisations transact business and operate.
- Sources and categories of law: constitutional, customary, common, statute, case law.
- Criminal and civil law.
- Commercial law, the law of contract: an offer, an acceptance, the financial consideration.
- Terms and conditions of trade; what they are, standards, how they are presented.
- Credit and credit transactions, affects on cash flow and liquidity, risks associated with credit, credit management.
- Transactions and documents used in business - layout, content, interpretation, preparation.
- Types of business: sole-owners, partnerships, limited companies.
- Financing companies; matters relating to ownership, capital, shares, shareholders, share certificates, shareholders’ agreements.
- Legal obligations of company directors, the company secretary duties, annual returns, general meetings.
- Tort liability for defective goods, product liability and the law, the law relating to defective services.
- Employment law, health and safety in the workplace, legal protection of employees against dismissal, redundancy and discrimination.
- The law of agency, the creation of agency, the rights and duties of agents and principals.
- Intellectual property law.
- Transfer of ownership, performance, legal remedies for breach of contract and of confidence.
- The evolution of management theory, principles of management.
- The classical and early theorists; Fayol, Weber, Taylor, Mayo, scientific management, authority, discipline, modern developments.
- Organisational theory: objectives, categories, ownership, environmental factors and interaction.
- Open and closed systems theory.
- Coordination, cooperation, structure, control.
- Communication and communication theories and channels.
- Organisational structures, planning, growth and development, organisation charts.
- Systems and system diagrams.
- Duties and responsibilities of executives, delegation, responsibility.
- Mission, vision, values, MBWA.
- Motivational theory: human relations, social psychology; self-realisation, motivation-hygiene, expectancy theory.
- The theories of Argyis, Maslow, McGregor, Likert, Herzberg, Vroom, Handy; intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
- Leadership theory: traits, style, contingency; theorists.
- Building and developing workgroups, group behaviour, norms, cohesiveness.
- Managing change, creating and managing culture.
- Moss Kanter, learning organisations and entrepreneurship.
- Strategic management; the theories of Fayol, Chandler, Andrews, Ansoff, BCG, Porter, SWOT.
- Environmental and competitive barriers to entry, industrial competitiveness.
- Corporate objectives, policies, business ethics, social responsibilities.
Your CIC Fee includes:-
- Your enrolment/registration with Cambridge International College, and your own high-quality, professionally produced and illustrated comprehensive International CIC Core Study Publications for each of the four (4) ‘courses’ of study.
- CIC’s detailed, professional ‘Study & Training Guide’ with full instructions on how to study to achieve success and gain top results. The Guide includes detailed advice on how to answer Tests and Examinations.
- Training Tests, Questions and Exercises (which can be used as ‘Past Papers/Questions’), and Recommended Answers for most of them.
- An Examination set for each of the 4 core courses; each Examination is sat under Invigilation/Supervision in your own area - full details, guidance and explanation of how your Examinations will be arranged and how Invigilation is conducted will be provided when you register. Note, CIC arranges Examinations in over a hundred countries worldwide for thousands of Members every year; it is a flexible, straightforward process and will be arranged when YOU are ready to write your Examination. (An Assignment Option via email is available instead of an Exam in exceptional circumstances which prevent you being able to sit an Exam, such as due to a new outbreak of 'Covid-19' (Corona) virus or a similar pandemic; or due to an outbreak of war or hostilities in your area.)
- A prestigious Cambridge International College Diploma on successful completion of Study & Training and on passing the Examination for EACH of the 4 core courses, PLUS the International Honours Group Diploma when all 4 courses have been completed - this is a total of 5 awards - 4 individual Diplomas plus the Honours Diploma.
- Your personal page on CIC’s Member Services website with access to results, despatch details, advice and guidance, and more: www.cambridgeinternationalcollege.co.uk
- Regular information and news including: Newsletters with details of special offers and new Programs and much more; and Competition Forms; by email and post.
- Everything needed for your Study & Training success is included in the CIC Fee.
- Further Study and Training Advice, and Assistance is available before, during and after CIC Study & Training; Members may ask CIC’s team of experienced Consultants for advice on further study and Programmes to improve career prospects and advancement.
- CIC’s experienced and helpful staff can assist with numerous special requests, such as reference/recommendation letters and transcripts, and more, by post and email.
- Business Development Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Business Administration EBA: Executive Business Administration 3 years (flexible)
- Commerce & Administration (BCA) Baccalaureate 2 years (flexible)
- Management & Administration (BAA) Baccalaureate 2 years (flexible)
- Strategic Management (EMBA) EMBA: Executive Mastery of Business Administration 3 years (flexible)
This Honours Diploma Programme is the path to career success and good positions for a very wide range of business, management and administration posts. Having studied a wide range of business, management, administration, economics, commercial and advanced management and administration subjects including motivation, leadership and strategy, production, marketing - and more - the knowledge and ability to become a successful manager, administrator, executive and leader in business has been provided; CIC Members who have completed this and other Honours Diplomas have gained high career success, recognition, promotion and better employment, improved salaries and benefits - proof of how professional training can bring career success.
The Programme also provides access to higher studies in administration, business and management whether in general business and management, one of the more specific areas covered by the programme, or in different specialisation areas. There is a wide range of options for further study - see the "Related Courses" section for suggestions - which include other Honours Diplomas, ABA & Baccalaureate Programmes, and the 'Double Award' EBA & BBA Bachelor degree Programme. You are welcome to ask the College for advice, and of course you can see details of these Programmes on this website.

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Payment Options:
Duration & Assessments
The standard Study Period is 21 to 24 months, but this is flexible; the course can be completed in a shorter period, or longer if required.
READ MORE »To gain your Honours Diploma you need to sit and pass a written Examination/Assessment on each of the 4 Subjects in your Honours Diploma ‘group’. Full and clear details about this are provided to you, including in your personal Study & Training Guide, after you have enrolled. The clear information explains when, where and how your Examination/Assessment will be arranged - it is a simple and straightforward process, which hundreds of thousands of other Members have successfully gone through. If you study well and follow the advice in the CIC Study & Training Guide, then you should be able to achieve your prestigious Honours Diploma in good time!
**An Assignment Option is available instead of an Exam for the ‘Covid-19’ (Corona) virus period.
(See the “WHAT IS INCLUDED” section for this Course, and/or the “FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions” section of this website, if you would like more information.)
Four (4) Diplomas AND the Honours Diploma, certifying you have high levels of knowledge and work expertise in business, management and administration.