Diploma on
Events Management
This Program provides and teaches the special range of skills needed for successful events and project management.
This course provides tuition on the wide range and types of events, the project nature of events, and the special range of skills needed for successful events project management to meet the demand for skilled and knowledgeable management personnel in the modern events industry. The course provides that knowledge, and deals with skills in strategic events planning, marketing, budgeting and financial planning, human resource planning, sites and venues, and many other vital topics. The course covers management of event projects from their inception to after their completion, covering event concepts and their feasibility, and topics such as legal issues, insurance, and risk analysis. It also focuses on operational planning and production, event logistics, and health and safety at events. Uniquely it also provides expert tuition on establishing and managing a professional events business. The course is very interesting and practical, and teaches event and project management skills valuable in a wide range of careers and managerial posts; it focuses on how to become a professional event manager and how to carry out the managerial role fully and effectively when involved in an event of any size.
ALSO: SPECIAL OFFER - valid until 30 June 2025:
The Special Offer is a free extra course on “Strategy, Quality & Contemporary Business Concerns”. (This Special Offer is only valid for new enrolments; the one requirement is that you must provide your personal email address to the College when you enrol.)
- Summary of major topics
- What is included
- Related courses
- Study & Career development
1. The Event Project:
- The modern events industry; categories, sizes and scopes of events.
- Events as projects, adapting project management techniques.
- Event stakeholders.
- Event creation, the “five Ws”, feasibility, the “WOW factor”, themes.
2. Event Personnel:
- The event manager: duties and responsibilities, skills, abilities and expertise needed.
- Event teams: make-up and personnel, creative teams.
- Managing diverse groups and short-term teams.
- Interpersonal communication skills, decision making skill, time management.
3. Event Planning:
- The event concept and purpose, vision and mission statements.
- Event strategy, setting SMART goals, SWOT analysis.
- Lead time, event dates, influencing factors, venue considerations.
- Event action plans, an event business plan, event documentation.
4. Event Budgets & Finance:
- Financial forecasts and projections, developing the budget, budgetary control.
- Sources of income: entry and entrance fees, sponsorship, merchandise sales, concessions.
- Typical event expenditure items.
- Financial planning, accounting and control, final accounts.
5. Corporate Sponsorship:
- What sponsorship involves, benefits sponsors seek.
- Identifying, targeting approaching potential sponsors.
- Sponsorship packages: typical components, pricing considerations, costs involved.
- Sponsorship proposals, documentation, agreements or contracts; on-going relations with sponsors.
6. Event Venues:
- Basic and critical factors in venue selection and suitability: location, dimensions, environment, facilities, dates, availability.
- Prices and terms, rental agreements, conditions, booking.
- Site visits, non-traditional venues.
- Food and beverages at events, organising supplies, services, equipment, furniture.
7. Event Program & Schedule:
- Main, core, secondary, support and ancillary activities.
- Timing and sequencing of event activities, Gantt charts, multiple and concurrent activities.
- Contingency plans.
- Production of printed programmes.
8. Legal Issues & Insurance for Events:
- Responsibilities under the law, copyright, licences and permits, sanctioning, performing rights, disability issues.
- Features of legally binding contracts and agreements.
- Quotations for supplies of goods and services, purchase orders.
- Insurance cover, claims, indemnity.
9. Logistics & Production:
- Assessing resources needed; logistics to ensure flows of resources, materials, people, access, egress.
- Safe placement of equipment & services, sanitary facilities.
- Information, safety, welfare signage, emergencies, site/venue maps.
- Litter and waste management.
10. Event Health & Safety:
- Duty of care, risk assessments, risk control, accident prevention.
- Crowd control, hazards presented by crowds, queue management, uses of barriers and fencing.
- Incident and emergency planning & procedures, safe evacuation, shows stops.
- Transport and electricity hazards.
11. Marketing & Promotion:
- Creating public awareness of an event, promotional campaigns.
- Market research and strategy, SMART marketing objectives, the marketing mix.
- Marketing tools: printed materials, media advertising, online adverts, websites, viral marketing.
- Post-event evaluation and reports, audience research.
12. Starting and Building Events Businesses:
- Reasons for starting events businesses, finding a niche, deciding types of events to focus on, and the right business unit.
- The business plan and capital, working from home.
- Securing clients, social media, websites, referrals, goodwill.
- Fees structures, accounting, insurance.
Your CIC Fee includes:-
- Your enrolment/registration with Cambridge International College, and your own high-quality, professionally produced and illustrated comprehensive International CIC Study & Training Publications.
- A detailed, professional ‘Study & Training Guide’ with full instructions on how to study to achieve success and gain top results. The Guide includes detailed advice on how to answer Self-Assessment Tests, Training Tests and Examinations.
- Self-Assessment Tests and Recommended Answers for them, and a Progress Chart.
- Two Progress/Training Tests (which can be used as ‘Past Papers/Questions’) with an optional Tutorial Support Service.
- The Final Examination sat under Invigilation/Supervision in your own area - full details, guidance and explanation of how your Examination will be arranged and how Invigilation is conducted will be provided when you register. Note, CIC arranges Examinations in over a hundred countries worldwide for thousands of Members every year; it is a flexible, straightforward process and will be arranged when YOU are ready to write your Examination. (An Assignment Option via email is available instead of an Exam in exceptional circumstances which prevent you being able to sit an Exam, such as due to a new outbreak of 'Covid-19' (Corona) virus or a similar pandemic; or due to an outbreak of war or hostilities in your area.)
- The prestigious Cambridge International College Diploma on successful completion of your Study & Training and on passing the Final Examination.
- Your personal page on CIC’s Member Services website with access to results, despatch details, advice and guidance, and more: www.cambridgeinternationalcollege.co.uk
- Regular information and news including: Newsletters with details of special offers and new Programs and much more; and Competition Forms; by email and post.
Everything needed for your Study & Training success is included in the CIC Fee.
- Further Study and Training Advice, and Assistance is available before, during and after CIC Study & Training; Members may ask CIC’s team of experienced Consultants for advice on further study and Programmes to improve career prospects and advancement.
- CIC’s experienced and helpful staff can assist with numerous special requests, such as reference/recommendation letters and transcripts, and more, by post and email.
- Hospitality & Events Administration EBA: Executive Business Administration 3 years (flexible)
- Project Leadership & Management Diploma 12 months (flexible)
- Events Management: for Tourism, Business, Sport Mastery of Management Graduate Diploma One year (flexible)
- Advertising & Public Relations Diploma 12 months (flexible)
- Business Entrepreneurship & Organisation Diploma 12 months (flexible)
The field of event management is growing rapidly, covering key aspects of project management, and including skills and ability important in a very wide range of business, commercial, private and public fields, including for tourism, trade, social, company events and more; such skills are looked for by employers in employees destined for successful careers in events management, or in other fields such as management, project management, public relations and many more. The Program is ideal for people who are already employed in an events management role, or who wish to enter this important career area, or who wish to open an events management business, or who have events to manage.
Related studies at various levels are available with CIC in this popular and growing field, and both this Diploma and higher studies are ideal for progression to higher studies - whether with CIC or other regional and international educational institutions.
There is a wide range of options for further study - see the "Related Courses" section for suggestions - which include Honours Diplomas, ABA & Baccalaureate Programmes, and the 'Double Award' EBA & BBA Bachelor degree Programme. You are welcome to ask the College for advice, and of course you can see details of these Programmes on this website.

Sign up to this course
Payment Options:
Duration & Assessments
The Study Period is one year (12 months) but this is flexible; the Diploma can be completed in a shorter period, or you can take longer if necessary.
READ MORE »To gain your Diploma you need to sit and pass an Examination** (based entirely upon the contents of the Study Materials provided to you in your Program Fee). Full and clear details about preparing for and sitting the Exam are provided to you, including in your Study & Training Guide, when you enrol. The clear information explains when, where and how your Examination will be arranged - it is a simple and straightforward process, which hundreds of thousands of other Members have successfully gone through. If you study well and follow the advice in the CIC Study & Training Guide you should be able to achieve high marks and good grades - and obtain your prestigious International Diploma!
**An Assignment Option is available instead of an Exam for the ‘Covid-19’ (Corona) virus period.
(See the College Prospectus, or the “Frequently Asked Questions” section on the “Contact Us” page of this website, if you would like more information.)
An international accredited qualification for professional development and career success showing your events management skills, competence and knowledge.