ABA: Advanced Business Administration on

ABA - Specialisation in Human Resource Administration

An enjoyable, flexible, professional Programme designed for ambitious men and women seeking successful careers in human resource management, management, leadership, training and administration; it is for men and women who need high-level skills, knowledge, understanding, competency and qualifications to achieve their career goals.

This flexible 2-year Programme provides interesting, valuable and career-oriented study on a range of core subjects and leads to the achievement of an Advanced Business Administration qualification with Specialisation in Human Resource Administration. The high-quality study ensures the acquisition of wide-ranging knowledge to help accelerate career development; it increases knowledge, understanding and analytical skills, and provides confidence and competence to hold employment positions with significant management responsibility.

ALSO: SPECIAL OFFER - valid until 30 June 2025:

The Special Offer is a free extra course on “Key Concepts In Human Resource Management”. This Special Offer applies if you enrol for any one or more of these programs:- Diploma in Human Resource & Personnel Management; Diploma in Organistional Behaviour; Honours Diploma in Human Resource Management; Baccalaureate or ABA in Human Resource Management; Baccalaureate or ABA in HR & Occupational Health & Safety; Graduate Diploma in Management of Human Resources.

  • Summary of major topics
  • What is included
  • Related courses
  • Study & Career development

The Programme comprises 8 Subjects (4 per Study Year). The first Study Year is the same for all ABA Specialisations.

‘Study Year One / Part One’:
1. Business Theory & Commercial Practice
2. Commercial Practice & Law
3. Management & Administration
4. Advanced Management & Administration

‘Study Year Two / Part Two’:
5. Human Resource/Personnel Management
6. Organisational Behaviour
7. Leadership & Team Management
8. Training & Development Management

Your CIC Fee includes:-

  • Enrolment/registration with Cambridge International College.
  • High-quality, professionally-produced Study Materials for each Subject.
  • A Study & Training Guide on how to study successfully and gain top results. 
  • An Examinations Guide with expert advice on preparing for Examinations.
  • Self-Assessment Tests with Model Answers, and Training Tests, Questions and Exercises, and/or ‘Past Papers/Questions’ for Examination preparation.
  • Your personal page on CIC’s Member Services website with access to results, despatch details, advice, guidance, and more: www.cambridgeinternationalcollege.co.uk
  • Regular information, Newsletters, details of special offers and new Programs, Competition Forms and more; by email and post.
  • Advice and assistance before, during and after the Programme from CIC’s experienced staff and consultants. 
  • The Examination Papers, with full details and explanation of how, when and where you will be able to sit them; and assessment of the Examinations sat. 
  • The Advanced Business Administration award with a detailed Transcript on successful completion of the Programme (and a Transcript is also provided on completion of Study Year One / Part One).


The ABA is intended and designed to accelerate and facilitate career development, promotion and advancement to high-level positions based upon significant knowledge, expertise, confidence, decision-making ability and qualification having been achieved.  It allows you to seek and conduct successfully jobs and roles in a wide range of HR areas, as a specialist and as a general HR practitioner and manager.

Further high-level and specialist Study & Training is available with CIC, either in the same specialisation or in a new one, including the Executive Business Administration Programme (EBA) orthe 'Double Award' EBA & BBA Bachelor degree Programme with exemptions and reduced Fee, and Mastery of Management Graduate Diplomas.  The EBA also provides access to the 'Double Award' EMBA & MBA degree Programme.  You are welcome to ask the College for advice, and of course you can see details of these Programmes on this website.

Human Resource Administration (ABA)
Sign up to this course

Payment Options:

British Pounds:
Single payment of £1350
Or 2 monthly payments of £750
Or 8 monthly payments of £220
US Dollars:
Single payment of $2700
Or 2 monthly payments of $1500
Or 8 monthly payments of $440
Fee payment methods


An accredited, approved qualification demonstrating high-level career competence, knowledge, understanding, problem-solving skills and decision-making ability.
