Diploma on
Advanced Management & Administration Theory & Practice
A Program providing advanced knowledge and understanding of the theories and concepts of management, leadership, motivation and strategic issues in the contemporary management and administrative environment.
This broad and important Program teaches and explains about management, leadership, strategic, motivation and change-management theories, and more; it provides a framework for learning and understanding how to deal with advanced management and administration issues. It blends the theory with the reality of management, showing how to make stronger management decisions. The Program is essential study for men and women aiming to become better, more effective managers, to gain higher posts, and to move on to higher studies.
ALSO: SPECIAL OFFER - valid until 30 June 2025:
The Special Offer is a free extra course on “Strategy, Quality & Contemporary Business Concerns”. (This Special Offer is only valid for new enrolments; the one requirement is that you must provide your personal email address to the College when you enrol.)
- Summary of major topics
- What is included
- Related courses
- Study & Career development
Module 1 - The Evolution of Management Theory
- Theory, theories and theorists, the background
- Henri Fayol and Max Weber: authority, responsibility, discipline, leadership, bureaucracy, hierarchy
- Frederic Taylor: scientific management, method study, time & motion study, O&M study
- Elton Mayo: the human relations school of thought
Module 2 - Organizations
- Purposes, objectives and categories of organizations
- Ownership of organizations: sole-proprietors, partnerships, companies, private and public
- Organizations and their environment, organizational theorists
- Systems theory, adaptive, closed and open systems
Module 3 - Structures of Organizations
- Delegation of responsibility and spans of control
- Organising and types of organizational structures, organization charts
- Centralisation and decentralisation of functions, interdepartmental co-ordination and co-operation
- Structures for international organizations, management operational and cultural considerations
Module 4 - Motivation and Motivational Theories
- Organizational psychology theory, conflict at work theory, models of motivation
- Chris Argyris’s Immaturity-Maturity Theory; Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs
- Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y; William Ouchi’s Theory Z; Charles Handy’s Motivational Calculus
- Rensis Likert management styles, Frederick Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory; Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Module 5 - Theories on Leadership
- Types of leaders, trait theories of leadership, style theories of leadership
- Managerial grids models, contingency theories of leadership
- Groups and group behaviour, teams and team building, team-skills, team roles
- Culture and international management, cultural differences and Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions
Module 6 - Strategic Management
- Key issues in planning and strategic management, innovation, synthesis and development
- Strategic theorists and their theories explored
- Corporate and strategic objectives, stakeholder theories, corporate planning
- Business ethics, social responsibility, policies, entrepreneurial activity
Module 7 - Business Environment
- SWOT analysis, the macro and micro environment, red ocean and blue ocean approaches
- PEST: Politics, Economics, Sociology, Technology, other factors
- Competitive forces, definition of an industry, industry rivalry, customer focus
- Entry and exit barriers, defence strategies, competitive advantage, analysing competition, developing strategy
Module 8 - Change Management
- Dimensions of change, environment, technology, personnel, organisation structure, products/services
- Resistance to change, culture of change, learning organizations, motivations for change
- Change for other than growth: contraction, divestment, restructuring, innovation
- Framework for change: planning, managing, monitoring, engaging employees
Module 9 - Mission and Mission Statements
- Aims, goals and objectives, vision and mission, mission statements, purposes
- Values, standards and behaviours, corporate and personal values
- Evolving mission statements, people orientation, differing approaches, key considerations
- MOST analysis: mission, objectives, strategy, tactics
Module 10 - Stakeholders
- Direct and indirect interests, stakeholders, inwards investors, opinion formers, consumer influence
- Governments as stakeholders, central and local government
- Interdependence, supply chains and value chains
- Creating shareholder value, customers, marketing, corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Module 11 - Communication
- The potency of communication, effective communication, customer-focus
- The communication loop, channels of communication, barriers, attitudes in communication
- Structural and component models, balance theory, cognitive consistency, congruity theory
- Multi-component models, reasoned action theory, game theory and bargaining
Module 12 - Business Ethics
- Perspective approaches to business ethics: the individual, the organization, society
- Worldwide trends in business: communication technology, globalisation, networking, branding
- Ethical challenges in the workplace, decision factors, values-led approaches, Fairtrade Organisations
- Compliance, essential components of a compliance system, codes of conduct, ethical investment
Your CIC Fee includes:-
- Your enrolment/registration with Cambridge International College, and your own high-quality, professionally produced and illustrated comprehensive International CIC Study & Training Publications.
- A detailed, professional ‘Study & Training Guide’ with full instructions on how to study to achieve success and gain top results. The Guide includes detailed advice on how to answer Self-Assessment Tests, Training Tests and Examinations.
- Self-Assessment Tests and Recommended Answers for them, and a Progress Chart.
- Two Progress/Training Tests (which can be used as ‘Past Papers/Questions’) with an optional Tutorial Support Service.
- The Final Examination sat under Invigilation/Supervision in your own area - full details, guidance and explanation of how your Examination will be arranged and how Invigilation is conducted will be provided when you register. Note, CIC arranges Examinations in over a hundred countries worldwide for thousands of Members every year; it is a flexible, straightforward process and will be arranged when YOU are ready to write your Examination. (An Assignment Option via email is available instead of an Exam in exceptional circumstances which prevent you being able to sit an Exam, such as due to a new outbreak of 'Covid-19' (Corona) virus or a similar pandemic; or due to an outbreak of war or hostilities in your area.)
- The prestigious Cambridge International College Diploma on successful completion of your Study & Training and on passing the Final Examination.
- Your personal page on CIC’s Member Services website with access to results, despatch details, advice and guidance, and more: www.cambridgeinternationalcollege.co.uk
- Regular information and news including: Newsletters with details of special offers and new Programs and much more; and Competition Forms; by email and post.
Everything needed for your Study & Training success is included in the CIC Fee.
- Further Study and Training Advice, and Assistance is available before, during and after CIC Study & Training; Members may ask CIC’s team of experienced Consultants for advice on further study and Programmes to improve career prospects and advancement.
- CIC’s experienced and helpful staff can assist with numerous special requests, such as reference/recommendation letters and transcripts, and more, by post and email.
- Business Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Corporate Strategy, Policy & Planning Mastery of Management Graduate Diploma One year (flexible)
- Leadership & Team Management Diploma 12 months (flexible)
- Management & Administration (BAA) Baccalaureate 2 years (flexible)
- Management & Leadership Mastery of Management Graduate Diploma One year (flexible)
This is the Program which provides the skills and framework needed to help junior and/or middle managers advance to become highly effective, respected higher-level managers, administrators, leaders and supervisors; it is a gateway to showing the ability to take on greater responsibility and control.
The Program is a compulsory one for all CIC Honours Group Diplomas, and shows the ability to study a wider range of higher-level courses including graduate level studies. It will also gain you study exemption and reduced Fees fom most of CIC's other higher programmes.
There is a wide range of options for further study - see the "Related Courses" section for suggestions - which include Honours Diplomas, ABA & Baccalaureate Programmes, and the 'Double Award' EBA & BBA Bachelor degree Programme. You are welcome to ask the College for advice, and of course you can see details of these Programmes on this website.

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Payment Options:
Duration & Assessments
The Study Period is one year (12 months) but this is flexible; the Diploma can be completed in a shorter period, or you can take longer if necessary.
READ MORE »To gain your Diploma you need to sit and pass an Examination** (based entirely upon the contents of the Study Materials provided to you in your Program Fee). Full and clear details about preparing for and sitting the Exam are provided to you, including in your Study & Training Guide, when you enrol. The clear information explains when, where and how your Examination will be arranged - it is a simple and straightforward process, which hundreds of thousands of other Members have successfully gone through. If you study well and follow the advice in the CIC Study & Training Guide you should be able to achieve high marks and good grades - and obtain your prestigious International Diploma!
**An Assignment Option is available instead of an Exam for the ‘Covid-19’ (Corona) virus period.
(See the College Prospectus, or the “Frequently Asked Questions” section on the “Contact Us” page of this website, if you would like more information.)
An international accredited qualification for professional development and career success showing you have substantial skills, competence and knowledge.