HELP Dadaab - Charity & Sponsorships

Over the next 6 to 8 weeks, HELP Dadaab personnel, headed by Mr Abdi Khalif, with the assistance of the United Nations (UNHCR) and in partnership with HELP Dadaab's sponsors, will be undertaking a number of activities including:
- delivering professional CIC Study Materials to each of the the 123 people being sponsored in 2021 for a professional Diploma Program with Cambridge International College;
- supervising the sitting of over 200 Examinations (for students who were sponsored in 2020 and in 2019);
- awarding approximately 150 Diplomas and certificates to the students (2019 intake) who were successful in their CIC Exams.
For details of the work of HELP Dadaab, and/or how to support their invaluable work, you can contact the Charity by email at: and through their website: and for details of the Diploma Programs for which refugees and some locals are being sponsored you can contact Cambridge International College directly and/or view details of the Diplomas on this website.