Menopause - a Guide to a Common Event

The menopause is a subject which can make some people - men and women, employers and employees - uncomfortable to discuss. Yet, up to 50% of the world’s population could suffer with the effects of the menopause, and in turn that can impact many other people around them - including employers and employees; therefore, the causes, effects and responses to the menopause should be calmly, sensibly and compassionately understood.
CIC has strict Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policies which aim to ensure that nobody is side-lined or discriminated against, including due to gender or gender-related issues, which encompasses the menopause. CIC has a well-balanced gender composition to its “workforce” - staff, directors, executives, assessors, employees, etc. For these reasons and others, CIC is happy to support World Menopause Day and more broadly the organizations which assist those who suffer from the menopause, and which assist in mitigating and teaching about its effects.
To learn more about the menopause, whether you are an employee, employer or other stakeholder, click the “Learn more” link below, for information and guidance kindly provided by Aviva on this important subject.
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