- See all
- Certificate
- Diploma
- Honours (Higher) Diploma
- ABA: Advanced Business Administration
- Baccalaureate
- EBA: Executive Business Administration
- Mastery of Management Graduate Diploma
- Executive Mini MBA
- EMBA: Executive Mastery of Business Administration
- Joint ILM City & Guilds & CIC Awards (Higher, ABA, EBA, EMBA)
Honours (Higher) Diploma
The Purpose: The Honours Group Diploma programme is designed so that Members can study a group of specialist Subjects, as well as gaining theoretical and practical knowledge on management and administration, leadership, motivation, strategy and many other important topics.
Who Should Enrol: Studying for an Honours Diploma is recommended for men and women who are ambitious to gain valuable skills, abilities, knowledge and competencies to enable them to achieve good posts; and to achieve the respect of colleagues and employers; and because they are aiming for promotions to managerial levels, and to ensure job security.
Benefits and Outcomes: An Honours Group Diploma indicates that its holder has the competence, understanding and potential to become a successful senior manager, administrator or executive in his or her chosen career in industry, management, business, public service or other area; and it provides its holder with the confidence of knowing that he or she has proved capable of studying successfully at high level over a wide range of related areas, including advanced management.
Study: The International Honours Group Diploma programme requires that the appropriate 4 Core Subjects are completed. The Honours Group Diploma Programme enables a Member to gain FIVE Diplomas: one Diploma for each of the 4 individual Subjects (when the Examination for each one is passed); and the Honours Group Diploma when all 4 Subjects are successfully completed.
Level: An Honours Group Diploma is a level 5 award - the same as HND and equivalent levels. An Honours Group Diploma demonstrates knowledge and ability in a group of general and advanced managerial, business and administrative subjects as well as a specialist field; this provides very wide and varied options and opportunities for career advancement.
Development & Progress: The holder of a CIC Honours Group Diploma may proceed to higher levels of study including to ABA and/or Baccalaureate (usually only 4 more Subjects to study), Executive Business Administration (EBA), Mastery of Management Graduate Diplomas and EMBA programmes, and are the route to undergraduate (BBA Bachelor degree) programme study. An Honours Group Diploma holder will confer automatic acceptance to CIC’s Baccalaureate, EBA and EMBA programmes with Study Exemptions allowed.
Competence: The holder of an Honours Group Diploma should have achieved competence to apply a range of work-related principles, practical concepts and management theories in various work situations, many of which might be unusual and unplanned. Members who have studied to this level should be capable of undertaking work and tasks which require self-control, self-motivation and the ability for self-management. Appropriate work and employment at this level may involve significant responsibility for colleagues and others and for work resources; work undertaken at this level typically involves some analysis, planning and evaluation.

- Human Resource Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Hospitality Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Specialist Higher Diploma in Marketing Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 18 months
- Materials & Logistics Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Accounting, Banking & Finance Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Business Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- English & Communication Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Marketing Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Procurement & Supply Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Banking, Finance & Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Business Development Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- EXECUTIVE & SECRETARIAL ASSISTANCE Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Retail Management & Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Transport & Logistics Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Business Accounting & Finance Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- International Business & Global Politics Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Administrative Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Computers & IT Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Construction & Project Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Facilities Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Management & Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Management & Leadership Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Management & Workplace Safety Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Oil & Gas Management & Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Teaching & School Management (Honours) Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Police Leadership & Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Project Management Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)
- Security Management & Administration Honours (Higher) Diploma 21 months (flexible)