Cambridge International College is a highly respected, experienced, efficient and professional institution in the field of study, training and education. The College is lead by its hugely knowledgeable Principal, Dr Stephen Lawson (MAEd, PhD) and by Vice Principal David Lawson (BSc, MBA) - who are pictured - ably supported by an experienced, caring and helpful staff. This professional College is dedicated to ensuring YOUR study success and career advancement.
The focus of the College, and our number one priority, is very simple; it is:
“To provide professional, affordable, high-quality courses which provide our Members with knowledge, understanding, ability and competence, and which will enable our Members to gain good employment and achieve career success.”
Here are another 10 pieces of information for you to know about Cambridge International College, which we hope you will find relevant, interesting and comforting:
- Founded in 1935: The origins of Cambridge International College date back to 1935 (2015 was the 80th anniversary). In 1935 four gentlemen - the entrepreneurial J J Cleaver, academician Dr Joseph Lee, teacher David Hume and administrator Leslie Cowham - came together in Cambridge and London to create an institution which has positively affected the lives of millions of men and women in countries all over the world - and is still doing so 80 years later.
- Core expertise: Core activities and areas of expertise of the College include the professional writing, development and production of Study & Training Materials with a concentration on business, management and administration, and a wide range of related subject areas such as accounting, marketing and HR. These Study Materials are an integral part (included in the Fee) of the approved, endorsed and accredited vocational careers-development Study & Training Programs and Higher Programmes offered, leading to Diplomas and Higher Awards.
- Repute: The College is accredited, endorsed, approved and recognised in Britain and worldwide including by The British Institute for Learning and Development, EDI (Education Development International), the International Association for Distance Learning (IADL), the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), Evaluation & Accreditation of Learning Providers (EALP), National Accreditation Board, TEVETA, and others. The College has also achieved the prestigious BILD Quality Mark, is a registered UK Learning Provider (UKRLP), and is also registered with bodies such as the Department for International Development.
- Variety of Quality Courses: The College currently offers over 100 different course titles, and regularly adds new courses which meet the demands of ambitious men and women who are seeking career success, from around the world. In addition, the College can sometimes offer - on special request - tailored and specially prepared course titles, in particular various specialisations for the Baccalaureate and EBA programmes offered.
- International: At any particular time the College usually has Members from between 100 and 125 nations and countries around the world, making the College a truly an international institution. The current printed Prospectus features College Members and Graduates from more than 65 of those countries. On numerous occasions generations of the same family - fathers/mothers and their sons/daughters - have studied with and achieved their awards from the College.
- Leadership: The current Principal of Cambridge International College is Dr Stephen M Lawson, a highly respected, highly experienced, renowned educationist. Dr Stephen Lawson has visited every continent of the world, and together with the College staff and executives has a vast knowledge and experience of the study and career needs of ambitious men and women worldwide. Dr Stephen Lawson is the nephew of one of the founders of the College, Dr Jospeh Lee, and has been involved in improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of Members (students and learners) and their families across the globe.
- Affiliates: Whilst the majority of the Members who are studying with - or who have studied with - the College do so through the College’s professional distance-learning method, the College also has over 50 Affiliate organisations around the world which provide a range of services including: assisting applicants to register with the College and being a local point of contact; some Affiliates also provide lecture, classroom or tutorial support which might be on a part-time or full-time basis, or in the evenings or at weekends; and an Examination invigilation/supervision service.
- Recommendations: On average between 30% and 60% the College’s Membership - enrolled Members (learners or students) - consists of men and women who have been recommended or introduced to the College by past or current Members, or who have re-enrolled for further studies with the College after having completed a previous course with the College.
- Courses Designed for Adults: The minimum age of study with CIC is 18; there is no maximum age limit although we believe that the oldest person to enrol was 84 years old; this was a gentleman - a doctor - from Trinidad & Tobago in the West Indies, who was opening a new medical business and who needed to know how to run it efficiently and successfully. The current Vice Principal of Cambridge International College, who was on a tour of the West Indies at the time, was able to present the Doctor with his Diploma in Business Management & Administration, attended by the Doctor’s wife and friends, and a group of other Members who had also recently completed their CIC studies; this remains one of the Vice Principal’s favourite stories from his 20+ years with the College.
- Status: The College takes very seriously its accredited and endorsed status, its credibility and approval, and its high reputation and standards (and the College is happy to let Member’s successes attest to the quality and status of the College - this website, regular Newsletters and other College publications give examples of the news, reports and success stories of Members). As part of its approved and accredited status the College is regularly audited by professional and authorised bodies, which includes rigorous audit of: quality assurance processes; content, structure and assessment standards for the provision of learning programmes; quality training and learning provision; maintenance of appropriate objectives and the conditions for their achievement; delivering high quality learning and development.
- Policies & Procedures: The College takes very seriously, adheres to and is committed to its Equal Opportunity Policy. It is Cambridge International College’s aim that potential and actual Members are treated equally and fairly on the basis of merit regardless of age (but minimum age of 18 is required for registration), disability, family responsibilities, gender, marital status, nationality, race, ethnic origin, disability, religious or political views or social or economic background. Cambridge International College follows a code of practice to ensure that this policy is fully effective. The College’s Code of Practice covers its Member Admissions and Policy, Assessment and Appeals Policy, Special Needs Policy, and Refunds Policy. In terms of curriculum, Cambridge International College recognises the importance of the development of the individual through the educational process and the role of the curriculum in ensuring that development. Cambridge International College is committed to the promotion of equal opportunity with respect to course content, approaches to learning, assessment methods and the structure of courses and aims to ensure that learning materials and examination papers reflect the principles of equal opportunities. Cambridge International College aims to provide courses which are of relevance and interest to persons from a wide range of international, social and cultural backgrounds.